Addicted to the Web

November 11, 2009 jillstud87

Over the past few years, the Internet has been instrumental in networking, dating, banking, obtaining information and has been priceless in terms of college papers…

Web 2.0 is a smorgasbord of sites that allow us to network and communicate on the World Wide Web. Sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Linked In and Twitter have become a staple in our everyday lives. We check them as often as our email and rely on it the way we do our cell phones. In fact, some of us even send the Web sites to our cell phones so information is constantly at our fingertips.

I use these sites every day, multiple times a day and it is a key factor in how I communicate with people throughout my day.

For example, this Christmas my cousins and I planned a present for our grandparents completely through Facebook messaging. We all attend college and since we are on Facebook all day anyway we decided it would be the best place to communicate – rather than make fifty calls back and forth on our cell phones.

The appeal of these sites is that everyone is on them. They could be called trendy but these kinds of sites won’t be dying out anytime soon. They are a helpful tool in all forms of communication. On these sites we are able to use pictures, videos, messaging and links to other sites. Not only are they a fun way to correspond with friends, they are a fun way to correspond with new people. The Web reaches everyone from around the world. Just the other day I played a game on Facebook with a man from Egypt. It’s hard not to find these sites fascinating when occurrences like this happen.

Entry Filed under: Uncategorized

One Comment Add your own

  • 1. scsujrn398  |  November 16, 2009 at 1:30 am

    Grade = check minus

    Good post, but it’s a week late so I have do dock you a few points.

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