Final Project: College vs. Alcohol

November 13, 2009 jillstud87

For my final project piece I was thinking of doing something along the lines of college drinking habits. Because of the popularity of alcohol amongst college students, I think I will get a very honest report on how college-aged students are drinking — and how it’s affecting their life.

I also wanted to interview high school students and see if they are experimenting with alcohol and how they feel about it being so young. This is just interesting to me because 1.) I do drink alcohol 2.) I enjoy going out with my friends but 3.) i also enjoy making fun of all the people who don’t know their limits. I want to find these people who don’t know their limits and see what their thoughts are on this very prevalent topic.

I will interview college-aged students, bartenders and underaged students and find out their views on alcoholism and the college lifestyle. Who misses class because of a late night, who makes the wrong decisions morally, sexually etc and who doesn’t drink at all. I’m very excited about the outcome of this project!

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One Comment Add your own

  • 1. scsujrn398  |  November 16, 2009 at 1:28 am

    Grade = check

    This is a great topic with a lot of potential. However you might have trouble getting the underage drinkers on camera. Be prepared to focus your coverage of them in the written part of the project. Try to narrow the focus down a little as well, so that it doesn’t get overwhelming.

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